All You Need to Know About OFC Poker

Keeping all of this in mind, we at Pokerlauncher have brought to you an all you need to know guide for OFC poker, one of the many card games that are known to be gathering an increasing number of players in the game community. This game is not just fun to play, but also can be a way for players to earn a good amount of money from cash games and tournaments on numerous popular game sites all across the internet.
The topics that have been covered in this article are as follows:
1. An Introduction to Open Faced Chinese Poker Game
2. How to Play the Open Faced Chinese Poker Game?
3. Open Face Chinese Poker- Fantasy Land
4. Conclusion
5. FAQ
1. An Introduction to Open Faced Chinese Poker Game
Chinese poker is very different from other well-known poker games for free variations, as was already mentioned. So what specifically distinguishes this game? Here are some crucial differences between Chinese poker and other varieties of poker: Each participant at the Chinese poker table initially receives up to 13 cards. From the initial cards dealt to you in Chinese poker, you can make one of three different hands, giving you three opportunities to win (during the comparison phase of each of those hands). The winner and loser are determined using the points system rather than bets, as was already mentioned previously in the article. In recent years, various countries of the world have started to take an increasing interest in the Chinese Poker games rules, which are popular across Asia. This game has apparently been popular in China for a while, but it has only lately gained recognition elsewhere. Actually, Chinese poker had its first important professional debut in the West in 1995 when it was first introduced to the WSOP (World Series of Poker), which is the most prestigious poker tournament in the world. Before being removed, it was included on the WSOP event schedule for two years. That was enough, though, for the game to generate a solid audience and garner a loyal following of players who delighted in this specific poker game.
2. How to Play the Open Faced Chinese Poker Game?
The same card hand rankings are used to select the winner and to compare players' hands, despite the fact that this game has many characteristics that are very different. Consequently, you must arrange your three hands in accordance with the following poker game hand rankings while taking part in poker tournaments. They have been arranged in a manner of increasing order.
a. High Card Hand Ranking
b. One Pair Poker
c. Two Pair Hand Ranking
d. Three of a Kind Ranking
e. Straight Poker
f. Flush Poker
g. Full House Ranking
h. Four of a Kind Ranking
i. The Royal Flush
j. Straight Flush Ranking
Each Player is dealt with a set of 13 cards that they have to divide into other various hands
a. One Three-Card Hand (also known as the top of the front hand)
b. Second Five-Card Hand (also known as the middle hand)
c. Third Five-Card Hand (also known as the bottom or backhand)
The basic objective of the game is to have your bottom hand rank as the best of the three hands, your middle hand rank as the second-best hand, and your top hand rank as the best hand. The above mentioned Indian poker hand rankings work well with the ordinary five-card poker hand. What about the three-card Chinese poker hand you create, then?
There are no straights or flushes that can be made with any of the three-card hands. These hands can only be combined in the following ways:
a. Three of a Kind
b. One Pair
c. High Card
The main rule that players must keep in mind with respect to OFC poker is as follows: If you succeed in acquiring all flushes or all straights for the three hands, regardless of the opponents' holdings, you automatically win the hand.
3. Open Face Chinese Poker- Fantasy Land
The thrill level of Open Face Chinese poker is increased by the potential for accessing "Fantasy Land." Then what does this mean? If you manage to develop a pair of Qs (Queens) or higher without fouling with your top hand, you are considered to have entered "Fantasy Land." You earn a sizable edge over every other player in the subsequent game of open-face Chinese poker if you are successful in accomplishing this. In your subsequent hand, all 13 cards will be dealt to you at random, which is advantageous.
We are hoping that this article was able to give players a fundamental overview of the OFC Poker game, as well as a basic comprehension of its rules and general structure. There are several more well-known card games as well, including 3 Patti Sequence, Cash Rummy, Call Bridge, and various Tash Wala games that players can try that are quite similar to OFC but unique in their own ways. All in All, regardless of what game you play, as a player, you must have sufficient game knowledge and practice to get good and improve your chances of winning.