All About Stakes in Online Poker

The topics covered in this article are:
1. Introduction to Stakes
2. Micro Stakes
3. Low Stakes
4. Mid Stakes
5. High Stakes
6. NoseBleed Stakes
7. Conclusion
8. FAQ
1. Introduction to Stakes
Stakes in a game of online poker can be defined as the maximum amount of money that a player is permitted to use in a game. When playing cash games, players have the option of choosing their stakes and also adding and removing chips as per their convenience. Additionally, players also have the option of buying in once they are out of chips or if they lose the game. Speaking with respect to the tournament aspect of online poker real money games, the stakes are mostly fixed with players not having the option of buying in or getting more chips. Some of the Stake types used in poker sites in India are as follows:
2. Micro Stakes
These are the game stakes that are mostly used in card games by beginner players who are just stepping their toes into the online poker real money game industry. These stakes are also used by players who have recently learned the game of poker online and are wanting to try out online poker real money games. The trick to winning micro stake games is by using all the strategies you studied in theory and understanding how the game actually plays out.
3. Stakes
These stakes are a little more advanced as compared to micro stakes, as players are betting more money and using their experience at the game to make profits. These stakes are considered to be the safest among all the options listed in the article for a poker game online as this is the stage where players have a set groundwork and games play out efficiently.
4. Mid Stakes
This is the stage where you find a lot of poker players online stuck as the difficulty for mid-stakes in games on tables is much higher and the environment is comparatively more competitive. Here you will come across players that are well seasoned and play really well. You will have to expand your strategies and develop a greater understanding of poker hand ranking, blinds, and the rules and regulations of the game to cross this phase of the game.