4 tips to make sick profits online poker

Making money while playing online poker is just as much of an art as it is a science. You have to learn a lot of prerequisite knowledge just to be in a position to play these games, you have to put in the consistent study and work into your games and practice great game selection. After you do all of that, you learn that you don’t know all that much and an ocean of knowledge and expertise in poker awaits!. Today we will be giving you four immediately applicable tips that will significantly increase your win-rate once you learn how to implement them properly.
1. Start 3-bet bluffing
Midstakes onwards, it starts becoming necessary while playing Indian poker online to have sensible 3-betting ranges. You simply can’t expect to get paid pure value-betting anymore. You need to understand that 3-bet folding is a thing! Of course, this is good advice at lower stakes too but you can usually get away with pure value 3betting as your opponents are neither as good or as aware as the usual good reg at mistakes. Include obvious candidates like your offsuit KJ, QJ, KQ AT A9 as these hands don’t mind taking the pot down there or playing a 3bet pot with low S.P.R and they can comfortably fold to any 4-bet without having any substantial regret over the equity lost. Once you are comfortable with these, you can also include great candidates like small suited aces which can also make for good 4-bet bluffs (people are bluffing when they are 4betting too and don’t always have aces, shocker!). But we will not go there for now!
2. Read your opponents, not into your assumptions
While it’s fun to be sherlock on the felt at times, armchair psychology isn’t profitable if done right and can be quite losing if done poorly. Much better is to make small adjustments and go for minimal exploitation strategies that both don’t open you to counter-exploitation and are much more difficult to adjust to. While it can be tempting at the moment to write fish against someone who just ran a big bluff on you with air. Think about the play first and your history with your opponent there. In this situation, for example, consider should villain be bluffing? If the answer is yes, should he be bluffing the hand he showed you? If the answer to both is yes. That is not fishy, you just ran into a bluff. If the answer to both is no, the villain might be a fish if they are bluffing with the wrong combos based on “feelings” and a maniac if they have somewhat sensible combos at times but have all the wrong frequencies and are bluffing way too frequently. The adjustments you need to make against these profiles are different! It’s okay to think someone is a fish, but don’t draw sweeping conclusions from a couple of hands, be conservative, and only use reliable information when adjusting to exploit a weak or/and imbalance villain.
3. Work hard on your strategy but stick to it!
To be a big winner and get that chicken dinner consistently as an online poker pro, you can’t walk into every game and modify strategy because you are bored or you feel something. Criticize your strategy to death when you are strategizing but once in-game, trust in it like it’s the word of god. Don't make any change in strats ingame just because you are bored with the game. Every session and every hand counts to make you win. Whatever knowledge about poker you have, you need to apply it while playing on the table so that you excel in it. The popular and elite poker players have always maintained the same strategy even if at times, it has failed them. Consistency and steadiness can do all the work.
4. Give yourself time!
Even if you were the brightest person on this planet, it would still take you quite some time to become good at poker, you would need to learn the terminology and fundamentals before you can even get to strategy, all of you folks reading this know the terminology and fundamentals now but I would like to ask you, how did you learn them? Sure you studied and watched content about it, giving you your initial understanding but it was only through games that those terms and fundaments became automatic and “second nature”. It probably takes at least 500k hands for you to be able to fully understand a lot of the concepts because some of the situations you don't see very often. Even stuff like preflop fold/raise decisions will take 75-100k hands before a lot of decisions are "automatic".
Also, post-session hand review can be huge. Get some tracking software and look at the biggest pots you won/lost and also mark hands that you weren't sure of what to do or that you thought were interesting. Be easy on yourself and focus on the journey instead of getting there.
We hope you all learned something of value today that you can use to elevate your win rates in real money online poker. Always remember, It’s a marathon, not a race. Wish you all the best and peace out!