4 tips that make you a money making menace at soft cash tables

Real money poker cash games in India are the heart and soul of poker, many of the greats today found their passion for poker in the micro-stakes games being played in their college dorms. Nothing beats the feeling of playing a cash game with your friends and printing multiple buy-ins off them. While cash games don’t have the variable stack size, increasing blinds, I.C.M ante, etc that you need to master to crush tournaments. It has concepts unique to the cash environment that you need to master to become a profitable long-term cash player. Today we are going to give you 4 tips that will help you become an instant menace on every low and mid-stakes cash table. Coupled with this study and work on your game and you will be a force to be reckoned with on cash tables. Be warned though, your friends might ban you from the home games if you start too much of the pot too often
1. C-bet wider from late position
Players on poker sites in India are generally passive in cash games.The later position you are on a table, the more informational advantage you have over your opponent, In a single raised pot, you will often end up taking the pot down with a c-bet as a soft cash game “regulars” have imbalance c-bet frequencies which are often significantly than the bare minimum they need to c-betting in spots to remain unexploitable. You can exploit this by c-betting big on boards where the IP or in position player is at an advantage AKK, As Qs Ko, Jo To Qo, etc as you have many stronger hands than the OOP or the out of position player who ended up having a capped range because they didn’t 3bet your open as they would with all their strongest holdings. Similarly on dry boards like Ao 7o 2o, Qs 5s 8o you want to c-bet a smaller sizing often.
2. Always keep an eye out on the rake
Rake is the silent killer, In games with a high rake, It slowly seeps into your profits, burying its parasite self into it, 1bb at a time until it drains your edge and makes your greenline flat or red, DO NOT ignore rake and treat it as an insignificant nuisance, It is a major thorn in your path. Make sure you always check the rake structures, percentages, and whether it’s capped or uncapped before you start grinding soft cash games, some games are so soft that you can get away with paying a high rake simply because of the massive edge you have in it. Most games are not. Another more efficient way of addressing this is by getting Rakeback. Rakeback alleviates the financial stress of rake and rewards you based on the volume you put in, so the players who grind it out get the most Rakeback. Make sure you get your Rakeback from a trusted accredited affiliate like pokerlauncher, The signup bonuses, Rakeback and offers are nice and all but most importantly it is a trusted platform that WILL give you the exact Rakeback promised instead of shady dealers who promise the moon and deliver a scam, you want to avoid them and only deal with accredited ethical affiliates
3. Try to play against the weak players
It’s fun to duke it out with the best player at a poker table, I will give you that. It is the ultimate way to assert dominance by fighting the finest player at the table, a truly gallant battle!. It’s also not that profitable and if your goal is to crush soft games, we would advise against it (with the sidenote it is occasionally okay to learn and challenge yourself). It is in your best interests to play the most possible pots against the fishes and the whales as they will make up a majority of your profits in any session because of the wide exploitable gaps in their poker understanding and strategy, which causes them to be easily exploitable poker. A thinking player, even one who is slightly worse/better than you will never give you that much of an edge, they will navigate most standard spots just as well as you and sometimes tackle the non-standard ones worse/better than you, you will best case scenario, have a marginal edge against them. While in tournaments you can’t avoid playing pros once deep, in cash games you can. Only play pots against good players when you have to or are getting great odds to hit a monster and stack them. Your goal is to take the money from the fish consistently, not ram your boat into fellow fishermen! And beware, if you see high stakes pro casually chilling on your table, do not get funny with them, or you will see your buyins for the night go poof quickly, these guys are high stakes pros for a reason! Poker cashback is essential, not a luxury.
4. Don’t tilt when you get unlucky
Losing sucks, losing when you are ahead and should be winning is downright painful and takes an emotional and mental toll on you, no one is denying that. It’s not like that pros enjoy losing their AA all-in against a fish who thought his 22 were good enough to Jam 50bb with from an early position. But what they don’t do is start cursing the R.N.G or the dealer, neither does it affect their game significantly. While it can occasionally happen to pros too, most of the time despite feeling horrible, they will make the right move. They will recover mentally and emotionally and get their head back in the game. The difference between you and the pros is not bad luck, It’s how you deal and respond to bad luck. While you react mostly negatively, the pro will respond with calmness 95% of the time. Control your emotions, don’t let them control you. You don’t “deserve” to win a pot against a worse player by the decree of being a better player, you have to work for it, curb your entitlement and get to work!
Winning soft games is a matter of smart work and discipline, once you get that down, soft games will become a consistent stream of reliable income that you can bank upon. Make sure you keep these tips in mind at the feels and work on executing them, today instead of wishing you the best of luck, we wish you deal with however luck runs in the best way possible!