4 poker rooms that give major poker cashback

All poker rooms give reasonable guarantees and games nowadays but only a select few give you poker cashback so crazy that can match or even exceed your actual profits. Today we will be ranking the best rooms when it comes to giving back to the players.
1. PokerBaazi
The undisputed king of cashback in terms of cash games, no one even comes close. With their rewards program, the flat Rakeback, and the constant massive value cash games promotions, like the two face cash game promotion going on right now. As a cash game player who is putting in good volume on any stakes during one of their promos, you can make more in cashback and Rakeback than your actual profits. That is mind-boggling!. Sure some sites offer great poker cashback and poker signup bonuses for low to mid-stakes players but if you are putting significant volume regardless of the stake of your cash games, you cannot beat PokerBaazi dollar for dollar (or rupee for rupee) anywhere, of course, that depends on whether you get a good Rakeback deal, at Pokerlauncher we have an exclusive relationship with PokerBaazi that provides our clientele with premium benefits and Rakeback for all the games you will play there.
2-Spartan Poker
The ultimate destination for tournament cashback. Spartan not only offers maximum value and variety. They not only host the most exclusive and prestigious tournaments in the scene, with prize pools for Individual tournaments going up to 6 crores! Not only do their feature tournament leaderboards offer more value than winning a non-Spartan Indian tournament series’ main event! They also offer insane cashback when it comes to tournament grinders who will end up making so much through deposit offers and for new players’ signup bonuses that the number of bullets you need to spew to win one of them starts making sense! (I am kidding, mostly). When it comes to cash games, they are only beat by PokerBaazi. They offer up to 60% Rakeback in their cash games and the higher up the stakes you go. The higher the Rakeback gets, while spartan cash games might not offer much rakeback for your average micro and mid stakes grinder, it offers game-changing rake at the highest echelons the 100/200 and 500/1000 tables. Register now with pokerlauncher and lock in that free money now!
3) 9stacks
If you are low stakes or mid stakes player just starting on their journey to poker greatness, you will find no haven more safe and satisfying than 9 stacks. They have the lowest stakes games on the Internet. They charge the lowest rake in the industry in the interest of growing the scene. They might not have insane traffic but they do have consistent soft games that you can launch your poker career off. They have freerolls running every hour every day for you to practice and win. They offer low stakes tournament series but give insane value in them anyway. If you are a new player who is looking to start their poker journey, we at pokerlauncher would be happy to assist you in getting a massive sign up bonus when you sign up to 9stacks with us!
Coming to cashback. They offer a flat 15% cashback on any deposit of 1500 INR and so on. this cashback comes with no attachments.No hands to be played, no stars or crowns to be accumulated to make it withdrawable. That money belongs to you with no conditions!. You also make significant rakeback with their constant fun promos that not only offer great value but are also actually fun to play! I really liked the powerplay promotion for example, it was fun to grind. 9stacks overall is a comfortable experience for low-mid stakes players to grow in.
4) M.P.L
M.P.L or the mobile poker league (mobile exclusive poker platform) exclusively offers cash games but if you manage to sneak in the player pool and get used to having no notes or history. You will find games so soft a toddler with youtube could crush them. If you can crush 5/10 on Spartan poker. You will be a literal god in the MPL 10/20 player pool and one of the best in the 25-50 player pool. Speaking of player pools, the M.P.L general population across stakes is passive and lose. They REALLY don't like getting bluffed. I was called 3 streets with 7 high by a skeptic who didn't believe me when I bluffed my open-ended straight flush draw over three streets.he was right, I technically had "nothing".
Coming to cashback,MPL generally offers no cashback or rakeback to ward away the pros from playing there and keep the pool noob friendly.But because we at Pokerlauncher are literally the best, we have an exclusive relationship with the folks at M.P.L and we are pleased to offer you 15% rakeback along with all other pokerlaucnher exclusive promotions at M.P.L.If you are someone who enjoys playing poker on mobile and wants to enjoy playing at your convenience while getting the maximum value. MPL is the greatest value platform for you.
Hopefully, you have some new taverns to explore now, Remember the highest cashback poker rooms for you depends on several factors and isn't one size fits all. An honorable mention for poker high, who are also offering a wide variety of games along with great rakeback if you sign up with pokerlauncher. We are committed to making your everyday poker as rewarding as we can. If you would like to check other signup bonuses and offers, click here. Good luck and happy grinding